I love to be out in nature. In English we took a test about ourselves, and I got a 10/10 in the nature part. Some of my favorite activities, are running along the beach, hiking, going to the beach, etc. Whenever I am in nature, I feel calm and happy. I am pretty sure that I got it from my parents, because when my mom was little, some of her favorite activities, was gardening, and just laying in the grass and staring at the leaves rustling in the tree. My dad lived on a farm growing up, and he loved, and still does love, to go hiking. So maybe it is just a family thing, to like being in nature. Whether it is playing soccer in the grass, or laying down, and staring up at the leaves of the tree, I love to be in nature.
Timelapses and slow-mos help make videos more entertaining. Timelapses are created by taking a wide angle shot, then speeding it up. If you are using final cut, like we are in out GT class, first you import your shot and drag it to the timeline. You then go to the arrow that looks like it is spinning, and make your clip faster. Slowmos are created by taking a close-up and slowing it down. Also, if you are using final cut, you do the same thing, but with slowing down instead of speeding up. Videos are more entertaining, with the use of slow-mos and timelapses.
This re-time nature project, is really fun. The hardest part, was definitely filming. Either the horizon line wasn't straight, or there wasn't enough ground. Then with the slow-mos, I feel like I hadn't gotten closer to the object that I was filming. The main problem I had with filming, was finding the time to do it. For the time-lapses, the clips that I had to film, needed to be from 5-10 minutes. Because of this, and since I needed to film multiple, I had to make sure I had enough time to film all that I needed. The hardest thing that I had to deal with, during this project, was filming.
The majority of my class gave me a 3/4. I think I deserve this grade other then a 4, because my shots could have had more quality and lighting in the ocean scenes. Also, my video was one second less then the time requirement, 50-60 seconds. I think I got this grade instead of a 2, because I had the requirements of 3 time-lapses and 2 slow-mos. Also, I have text-overlays, and a poem that uses the free-write format. The score that I got, I completely agree with.